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The Coming Galactic War: Week 2

In this corpus of message notes, Pastor Hutchins continues exploring Revelation 19 in the broader text of current events as well as the vast expanse of a universe of dark forces who, allegiant to Satan, form a Galactic Alliance to plan for their final assault and Armageddon conflict against God. 

While Satan seeks to exterminate God's SEED, Pastor Hutchins reveals the one force on earth that cannot be defeated by the malevolent empire of evil, godly fathers full of the Holy Spirit. 

In this message, Pastor Hutchins breaks down the importance of fathers in the home and how their influence and leadership will defeat any enemy seeking entrance into their families. You do not want to miss the opportunity to get these timely, relevant, and revelatory notes to one of the most important messages in our lifetime. 

While it is true that fathers are the priests of their families, they are also the courageous soldiers of the Cross given by God to advance the Kingdom of God by possessing an unwavering determination to stand for Christ Jesus and be His bright luminaries of witness and wonder against the dark forces attempting to plunder this end-of-time generation. 

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